Intelligent DEsign-Aware Learning analytics empowered 21C Learning & Teaching System (IDEALS)
“A cutting-edge technology system for advancing learning and teaching”
We are delighted to introduce to you IDEALS, an intelligent system designed to enhance learning and teaching experiences. Two main platforms have been well-known by our users: Learning Design System (LDS) and Interactive Learning and Assessment Platform (iLAP).The last part of the system is the Design-aware Learning Analytics and Visualization (DLAV). Through a suite of learning analytics plug-ins, it supports learning design evaluations, and refinement recommendation for teachers. Its effective data visualization allows teachers to monitor real-time progress, enabling swift adjustments to learning and teaching strategies.
LDS is a platform specifically designed for teachers, allowing them to create high-quality learning designs. iLAP, on the other hand, serves as a versatile learning management system that can be accessed by both teachers and students. These platforms are interconnected, enabling the selected tools in LDS to be conveniently transferred into usable tools on iLAP, which then collect student learning data for learning analysis.
You can click here to sign up/login to our to the LDS interface of the IDEALS system. If you want a more comprehensive IDEALS experience, we can provide login accounts for interested individuals to explore the other components of our system as a school visitor. We are excited to have you on this journey! Please join us in our next territory-wide dissemination.

Enhance Your Teaching and Learning with IDEALS
IDEALS offers an end-to-end educational platform that supports teachers from designing lessons to implementing them and receiving actionable feedback, all while being driven by data and focused on student-centered learning.
Learning Design Studio (LDS)
Offers learning design tools and pattern library

Interactive Learning and Assessment Platform (iLAP)
Provides e-learning tools to facilitate learning and teaching and to collect learner data

Learning Analytics (LA)
Visualizes students' learning process to enhance learning and teaching

Community Sharing
Nina Bianco
"I think it is a great tool for making the design thinking explicit and for others to pick up and run with. It also provides a ‘run sheet’ for the lesson which can be helpful if multiple activities and technology are used in one session."
(Learning Designer, University of Queensland)
LDS 讓教師更貼近 Facilitator (學習促進者) 的角色。從前學生遇到困難時,教師會立即提供答案或解決方法,但使用 LDS 平台後,教師在設計教案時,會預留時間讓學生自行討論。教師不會即時解釋對錯,而是帶領學生思考各種現象,從失敗中學習,提升學習動機及創意解難能力。